
每日一译 Q & A - Why did you leave Pepsi?


Here are some questions I am often asked and I will answer them when I get a chance (stay tuned):
Why did you leave Pepsi?
The original role that PepsiCo China offered me was "e-Marketing Director" because they sensed they needed more capability in the digital world. I felt "e-marketing" that was more a manager-level role (build websites, execution) and requested the title (and role) be more about "interactive marketing": truly engaging consumers. Richard agreed immediately and then added "New Initiatives" to give me more freedom to use other non-digital breakthrough marketing approaches.
I accepted the role and came to PepsiCo Oct '05 with 3 goals (thought I would need 2-3 years):
1) Build world-class interactive and innovative marketing capability at PepsiCo

Most of PepsiCo's marketing team is now quite digital savvy and we have several excellent agency (CIC, AGENDA) and media (NetEase, The9) partners. I spent a lot of time in training and coaching the team. Here are 2 results:

The Pepsi Creative Challenge won PepsiCo's internal 3D Marketing Award - highest marketing award given internationally

I spent only a few minutes several times on the '07 CNY campaign. The team did 99% of the work. Results? Over 9million consumer greetings sent via our campaign! This is a Guinness World Record for consumer participation in a campaign! This is when I knew I was no longer needed. (I told Richard that the Interactive Marketing Director was temporary - in the future, interactive must be a core competency of the brand teams; should not be left to a separate department).

2) Learn about China

I've made it a deliberate effort to get out of the office as much as possible - going into the dorms, consumers' homes, and shop alongs in 15 cities in China.

3) Build network of resources.

I've worked with dozens of agency and media companies and met hundreds of people in various fields. From that, I am inviting the most passionate, talented, and daring to partner with me to change the world.

I thought all this would take 2-3 years, but I am 6 months ahead of schedule. So just like when a handyman finishes a job, my goals at PepsiCo were completed so I resigned.

Coming up:
What do you want to do?
Why do you want to do it?
How will you do it?
Who will you do it with?
When will you do it?
Where will you do it?



当时百事大部分的营销团队都是非常数字化的,并且我们有些出色的机构(CIC, AGENDA)和媒体伙伴(NetEase, The9)。我花了大量的时间来训练和磨合团队,并取得两个结果:
